Privacy Policy

Data Privacy

At no time will mobile or email information be shared with third parties or affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.


To opt out of text (SMS) communication, text the word "Stop" or "Opt-out" to 617-433-9225. (If you change your mind, you can text "Start" to rejoin/opt-in our list and opt back into text communication.)


If you want to opt out of our email communication, reply to one of our emails with the words "Stop" or "Opt-out." Alternatively, you may click on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the email.

Any changes to the above shall be emailed (or sent via text if no email is available) within 24 hours of the change. If you do not wish to accept the changes, reply to the message with the word "Stop."

Types of information we collect

- Name

- Email

- Phone Number

- Address

- Birthdays

- Desired property criteria and feedback

How we use your information

- To communicate with you regarding the purchase or sale of real estate property

- To confirm scheduled call(s) and meeting appointments

- To obtain feedback regarding your client satisfaction

- To promote real estate properties for sale

- To communicate transaction statuses during the purchase or sale of your property

- To acknowledge specials days (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)

Children & Minors

All contacts must be 18 years or older. Individuals younger than 18 are not permitted to register.

Website Cookies

Cookies and similar Technologies: We use cookies and other tracking technologies (e.g., web beacons, pixels, ad tags and device identifiers) when you create an account through our website, to recognize you and/or your device(s) on, off and across different services and devices and to assist the functionality of other tools, services, research, analytics, and internal operations. In the future, we may also choose to use cookies and other tracking technologies for other purposes such as contextual advertising.

Access, Correction, and Deletion: You may request access to correct, update, or delete all your personal information by emailing

How Long We Keep Your Information

Your contact information and related data shall remain in our system until you have requested that we delete your information and/or unsubscribe from both text messaging and email correspondence.